Find a Minister or Affiliate

Below is a listing of Peace Community Church International Ordained Ministers and other Affiliates. Click on a picture to find details and contact information about that Minister. If you need ministerial services you can click of the Ordained Minister tab below and look for a minister near you. If you are interested in any community activity, select your State and then contact an Affiliate near you.

Ordained Minister
New Mexico
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
New Zealand
Paul Kellogg
Ordained Minister - IA
Paul Kellogg

Ordained Minister - IA

Dr. Paul Kellogg has been a leading authority in the field of Practical Intuition and Communication for over 40 years and is internationally acclaimed for his common sense orientation to the mystical events of our lives. After studying Psychology in college, he followed his own intuitive inspiration to change paths. He has continued his education for the past 35 years with advanced studies and research provided by the Americana Leadership College, a unique educational organization that has been at the forefront in intuitive communication training since the early 1960’s.

Paul has been featured on hundreds of radio and television programs, as well as newspaper interviews, on practical ways to demystify E.S.P. His seminars and private consultations have helped thousands to understand their psychic experiences and make them practical (including life-after-death and angel experiences.)

“I was intuitively sensitive as a child. I could hear thoughts and feel feelings of the energies around me. I saw auras and souls that had passed on. Dreams I experienced often came true and I felt the help from spirit guides. All of this awareness made me uneasy about myself and my relationships especially around authority figues or others bigger and stronger that me. I felt I needed to compete or prove my worthiness, even as I was in the lead or making a great baseball play.

"When my father passed away early, I knew it ahead of time and had a "divine visitation" the night before. My life changed that next day - I began my search and the easy-to-use techniques I learned when I was a young man helped me to trust myself, have peace of mind, and be more solution-oriented with a sense of deeper life purpose.

As a father of five and business owner, Paul believes everyone is psychic. As children, it is very natural; as adults it is empowering to reconnect to that often hidden, yet innate sensitivity. Practical Intuition takes the approach that the answers and solutions to life’s most vexing challenges are within each of us. If we learn to relax and listen, even in the most trying of times, the stress of our worries dissolves and our enthusiastic creativity ignites again. Our relationships can deepen, our business can revitalize, and life in general becomes more balanced when we pay attention to our intuition and use it as a practical tool for fact-finding and decision-making.

Dr. Kellogg has conducted workshops on using practical intuition in leadership, relationships/team-building and management communication for groups across North America such as the American Red Cross, National Council on Aging, Elderly Housing and Development Corp., and the St. Louis Public Schools. At his international seminars, he has consulted with people from all nationalities across the U.S., Canada, Ireland, Scotland, England, the Caribbean, Mexico, Venezuela, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand.

Paul is a member of the Board of Directors of IPM Internationalsm, an educational, not-for-profit organization, and sponsor of Inner Peace Movement seminars. He is a Senior Professor of Spiritual and Psychic Studies for the Wayshowers College. He currently serves as Executive Board President of Peace Community Church International.

LaJenne Dukes
Ordained Minister - NV
LaJenne Dukes

Ordained Minister - NV

Vonnie Owens
Ordained Minister - NV
Vonnie Owens

Ordained Minister - NV

Mary Anne Wassenberg
Ordained Minister - VA
Mary Anne Wassenberg

Ordained Minister - VA

Vicky Shrieves
Ordained Minister - Canada
Vicky Shrieves

Ordained Minister - Canada

Mary Johnson
Ordained Minister - KS
Mary Johnson

Ordained Minister - KS

Esther Karhu
Ordained Minister - IA
Esther Karhu

Ordained Minister - IA

Patrick Kilhenny
Ordained Minister - Canada
Patrick Kilhenny

Ordained Minister - Canada

Patrick Kilhenny is the co-creator of Spiritual Growth, a consultant and a lecturer with the non-profit educational IPM International, Inc.

He is a former nuclear engineer who learned to fine tune his intuitive skills and have conscious communication with his inner guidance or angels.

With a long time interest in science, he was practical and very skeptical about directly communicating with angels.

Fortunately he was somewhat open and willing to try the inner communication and self-clearing techniques from the Inner Peace Movement¼ Programs. He realized how easy it was to “pick up” thoughts and feelings from the environment and other people. He also learned to buffer himself from the outer pressure and stay more connected with his clear inner being and inner guidance.

Patrick discovered how helpful this was. This inner connection has been a key to truly living the life that he feels he is here to lead.

Working closely with his inner guidance has been an adventure. This includes his marriage which he felt was helped greatly by the angels as well as all his relationships, starting within himself and others.

Patrick also found great backing from the angels in the successful businesses he has had. “It was wonderful to work with angels in all the challenges that came up in having a business. My spiritual guides helped me keep a bigger picture of what was really going on and what was best to be doing.”

He says: “It’s an amazing feeling to be able to communicate regularly with my angels and directly receive their help. This makes life more enjoyable and fulfilling to connect clearly with my personal team of spiritual helpers. Over the years it has been rewarding to share the understanding and techniques with others and see it help so many.”

Patrick Kilhenny has lectured internationally for 25 years on angel communication, sharing his message in media throughout the US, Canada and in Europe.

Patrick learned to balance his intellect and feelings nature to bring out his inner dreams and desires with the help of his spiritual helpers. What a difference this has made in his personal and business life.

Mara Spencer
Ordained Minister - VA
Mara Spencer

Ordained Minister - VA

Estelle Minor
Ordained Minister - VA
Estelle Minor

Ordained Minister - VA

Dawn Overstreet
Ordained Minister - FL
Dawn Overstreet

Ordained Minister - FL

Ginger Garvey
Ordained Minister - VA
Ginger Garvey

Ordained Minister - VA

April Azzolino
Licensed Minister - NV
April Azzolino

Licensed Minister - NV

April loves to explore and grow living a practical spiritual life. Healing ourselves, our loved ones, and community through the many tools she has found in her life journey. Her experiences include energy work, healing, and spiritual studies. It is a soul's explorations that she values most, looking within to heal limiting beliefs and trusting inspiration from spiritual source/guidance to bring out creativity and one's own inner wisdom. Her love for others' personal spiritual journey and connecting through sharing to assist individuals in raising consciousness and living their dreams!!

She is a certified by the Wayshowers College as a trained and experienced leader of Astro-Soul, Inner Peace Movement, Peace Community Church and New Spiritual Horizons Programs, each one a path to spiritual unfoldment. As well as a Wayshowers Certified Consultant in private consultations, to assist individuals who want to reach their full potential. April is also a Licensed Minister with Peace Community Church International, a church without walls and without limiting dogma.

April is a Certified Reiki Master, Certified in the Bars Access and uses Sound Therapy with Aroma's in her individual sessions. Her unique blend of energy work guides the body, mind, and soul for each person.

Shannon Schilling
Ordained Minister - TX
Shannon Schilling

Ordained Minister - TX

JoC Soignier
Licensed Minister - CO
JoC Soignier

Licensed Minister - CO

Judy Katzin
Licensed Minister - CO, AZ
Judy Katzin

Licensed Minister - CO, AZ

Durango, Co Tuscon, AZ
Dawn Overstreet
Ordained Minister - GA
Dawn Overstreet

Ordained Minister - GA

Carolyn Clarke
Ordained Minister - NC
Carolyn Clarke

Ordained Minister - NC

Kathleen Ellis
Ordained Minister - GA
Kathleen Ellis

Ordained Minister - GA

Susan Kellogg
Ordained Minister - IA
Susan Kellogg

Ordained Minister - IA

Dr. Susan Kellogg has been teaching people how to work with their spiritual energy, their natural E.S.P. and their inner guidance/angels for over 40 years.. An international educator and consultant, she helps people to tap their inner wisdom and find answers to the important questions of life: why am I here, where have I come from, where am I going?

She has been a guest speaker and featured writer in a variety of industries including: women-owned businesses, leadership organizations, alternative health, the creative arts, senior housing, and the energy industry. As a certified consultant and educator with the Americana Leadership College since 1975, Susan has lectured and taught workshops in the U.S., Puerto Rico, Canada, and most recently Australia and New Zealand.
As a writer and journalist, she works with her angels to share healing messages that uplift and unify people from every walk of life. She loves to help others to tap their inner wisdom and share it with others.

Susan was very sensitive at a young age, seeing auras, angels, and other energies. A creative spirit, she found public schooling challenging and was often ill. Her health seemed to improve, the more positive and relaxed her environment. The arts offered her opportunities to continue to express that creativity, as well as inspire the positive side of her psychic sensitivity, where seeing an aura, hearing an intuitive message, following a strong feeling ‘hunch’, or having a prophetic dream could be helpful and empowering.

As a teenager, Susan began a quest to learn how to be in command of her psychic sensitivity in any environment, and to connect with that higher source of inspiration on a 24/7 basis. “I was introduced to the Inner Peace Movement program in 1974 and have used the simple principles and techniques to help me have the quality of life I had always dreamed of.”

Susan was inspired by her father, who as a member of the Philadelphia Orchestra became one of the first ‘musical diplomats,’ to share music in countries behind the Iron Curtain in the ‘60s and ‘70s.  With her husband and partner, Paul, she raised a family of five children to use their unique ‘soul’ talents and inner communication in their relationships, schooling, work and community service.
“Like music, the language of ‘intuitive feelings’ is universal,” says Susan. “Positive soul-to-soul communication uplifts and unifies people from every walk of life. That is like healing music to me.” 
Dr. Kellogg is a member of the Inner Peace Movement International Board of Directors, and Executive Vice-President of Wayshowers Community Fellowship, a global non-profit to build bridges between all the spiritual traditions. An Ordained Minister, she recently received a Doctor of Divinity from the Peace Community Church Seminary of the Americana Leadership College.

Roger Ringo
Ordained Minister - IA
Roger Ringo

Ordained Minister - IA

For over thirty years Roger has been training people how to use their Inner Guidance, trust their Hunches, discover their True Life Purpose, and neutralize Negativity.

During these programs, he blends together the techniques of Wayshowers College and his experiences. Roger has successfully implemented these techniques in family, business situations, and during social events. These programs really work.

Roger is an Ordained Minister with Peace Community Church International and a guest instructor as Wayshowers College. He looks forward to sharing with you the universal truths that have meant so much to him.

Kristina Coll
Ordained Minister - IA
Kristina Coll

Ordained Minister - IA

Jack Snell
Licensed Minister - IA
Jack Snell

Licensed Minister - IA

Des Moines, IA
Julia Santiago
Licensed Minister - NJ
Julia Santiago

Licensed Minister - NJ

Arlington - NJ
Dorinda Fox
Ordained Minister - NM
Dorinda Fox

Ordained Minister - NM

Dorinda Fox loves to explore inner and outer worlds. “Spirituality and travel are my two greatest pursuits.” Her experience includes energy work, healing and spiritual studies for more than 35 years.

“Recently, I completed a career in nonprofit organization leadership, training, and employment program management; and am now involved in my ‘greatest work,’ which is helping people connect on a deeper level with their inner spiritual guidance, their direction, joy and success.”

Dorinda has extensive professional experience working with people and organizations, and has traveled nationally and internationally for business and pleasure. It is soul exploration that she values most, looking within to heal limiting beliefs; and trusting inspiration from spiritual source/guidance to bring out creativity, strengths and wisdom. Her greatest joy comes from her personal connection with higher Spirit, discovering answers, growing in consciousness, sharing, and assisting others to live their dreams.

Her credentials include a Master of Arts in education-counseling. She is certified by the Americana Leadership College as a trained and experienced leader of Astro-Soul, Inner Peace Movement, Peace Community Church, and Profound Mystical Meditation Programs, each one a path to spiritual evolution/revolution. As well as an ALC certified consultant in many facets of private consultation including the Orientation, Blockage Discovery, Glandular, Chakra Balancing, Inner Guidance, Balance of Thought & Feeling, Living Thrust, Spiritual Compatibility, and other advanced spiritual Profiles available to assist individuals who want to reach their full potential. Also, she is an ordained minister and doctor of divinity in Peace Community Church International.

Currently, Dorinda lives in scenic Placitas, New Mexico, with husband John and Molly Brown, their Transylvanian Hound. She is active on the Boards of Directors of three nonprofit organizations, including Wayshowers Community Fellowship Corp., Inner Peace Movement International, Inc.; and she currently serves as President of Peace Community Church International, a church without walls and without limiting dogma.

John Pease
Ordained Minister - OR
John Pease

Ordained Minister - OR

John Pease has been actively involved with Inner Peace Movement International¼, Astro-Soul¼ and the Wayshowers College¼ programs (see since 1972. He worked closely with the founder, a remarkable man named Dr. Francisco Coll, who developed in-depth training, techniques and self discovery tools to help the spiritual searcher understand the importance of intuition in all its forms to receive Inner Guidance in every life situation and fulfill their “Dream Within.” John has built on Dr. Coll’s innovative work by helping people understand how their current life is built on lives lived in the past and clarify how their involvement today is setting the stage for their next lifetime opportunity and mastery!

Through presentations, community seminars, coursework and one-on-one private consultations, John provides an opportunity for the sincere spiritual searcher to discover his or her own Intuitive Abilities and unfold the spiritual guidance and understanding that is necessary to fulfill their unique potential this lifetime.

John recently stepped down from a career building utility scale renewable energy projects in the Pacific Northwest, and he is now in private practice.

Douglas Howard
Ordained Minister - OR
Douglas Howard

Ordained Minister - OR

Richard Lassiter
Ordained Minister - VA
Richard Lassiter

Ordained Minister - VA

Richard Lassiter is a clairaudient spiritual scientist.

"If I can't show another person how to expereince their spiritual nature, I am all talk and no real help. If it is real, it can be experienced by anyone."

He has a gift for channeling “divine downloads” directly from Spirit and sharing with audiences in inspiring ways that enable them to feel and think differently about themselves and their lives.

Richard first became involved in spiritual discovery in 1973 when he met Dr. Francisco Coll and became involved in Inner Peace MovementÂź group work in his Williamsburg, VA community. Soon after, he began lecturing and touring throughout the United States and Canada. He worked directly with Dr. Coll for many years and ran conference/retreat centers for the Americana Leadership College.

On Dr. Coll’s passing in 1999, Richard became President of the Americana Leadership College, helping the spiritual techniques and programs thrive into the new millennium. He partnered with Melissa Kitto in 2003, and since that time has lectured and presented workshops throughout the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland and New Zealand.

His upfront, bold and engaging style has translated well to teleseminars in the last few years, particularly in the Creating Your Heart’s Desire audio program. Richard is an Ordained Minister with the Peace Community Church¼ International and President of the Inner Peace Movement¼ International.

Melissa Kitto
Ordained Minister - VA
Melissa Kitto

Ordained Minister - VA

Melissa Kitto, the "Angel Guidance Coach" is dedicated to empowering spiritual seekers worldwide to develop a constant and direct communication with their own team of spiritual helpers.

Melissa's journey into spirituality was originally accidental. At the age of 12 her mother invited her to receive the Orientation Profile session from a certified Americana Leadership College consultant in Christchurch, New Zealand where Melissa was born and raised. She went in to the session curious, but not really knowing what to expect. What she experienced during that session was a direct, strong communication with the angels that she didn't even know she had!

At the age of 13, Melissa saw one of her angels present itself in front of her. She saw with her own eyes the truth in the spiritual ideas she had discovered. The experience was so profound that she continued exploring her own spiritual growth through ALC groups and courses throughout her teens and early twenties. At the time she had an inkling that her life purpose was to share spiritual truths with others, but wasn't sure how that would occur.

In 2003, Melissa moved to the United States, and began passing on what she knew. She partnered up with Richard Lassiter, who had worked personally with the founder of the ALC program, Dr. Francisco Coll, for over 25 years. Together, they have traveled the globe teaching people just like you, the direct, simple tools and techniques to be able to have a direct communication with Spirit and live their life purpose. They have presented the Angel Encounter Workshop in the USA, United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand and Austria.

Melissa shares proven techniques that work and enable sincere spiritual seekers to develop unshakeable trust in their own inner guidance and live the life purpose they were born for. Melissa thrives on working individually with clients through the Angel Guidance Readings and Angel Direct Connectsm consultation. She is known for her calm, relaxed way of sharing that makes people feel fully supported and confident to move past their own fears and embrace their dreams.

Alma Phillips
Ordained Minister - VA, PA
Alma Phillips

Ordained Minister - VA, PA

While driving on a locale interstate in 2010, Alma Phillips felt her vehicle hit something. She looked around to find herself alone on the highway, the road clear of any obstacles and moving at 70 miles per hour. The thought that came to her was maybe I have just died and returned to life. What? She asked where had that thought come from? Within days, while in meditation, Alma was told she completed her life task and she was free to leave the earth and come back in a new body, or stay on the earth and get a new life. As you may guess, she decided to stay around and tells her story of learning about and experiencing ‘Lives within Lives’.

Alma Phillips, is a strong intuitive and travels for the Wayshowers College presenting courses and lectures on a variety of metaphysical subjects. She delights in sharing techniques and hands on experiences that allow others to take charge of their owns lives. Her ability to laugh at herself as she shares how you can learn and grow creates a relaxed space for personal growth and healing.

Alma is an Ordained Minister for Peace Community Church and is currently residing in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Nannette Champeau
Licensed Minister - WI
Nannette Champeau

Licensed Minister - WI

Since I was old enough to remember, I have been aware of the subtle energies around people and in the environment. I grew up living on the waters of Lake Green Bay in northern Wisconsin. As a child many days were spent outside simply lying in the sun. Those days were special as I learned valuable information from my Inner Guidance during those times. Light is intelligent energy, and my Inner Guidance was literally downloading information to me as I enjoyed the sunlight. It doesn't take a lot of time...15 minutes a day of sunlight will do wonders for the Soul.

When I was in my late 20's I met Dr. Francisco Coll, creator and founder of The Americana Leadership College. Through Dr. Coll and the tools and services of the Americana Leadership College, I learned many valuable keys to help me stay relaxed, centered and tuned into my Inner Guidance.

This Inner Guidance can come as the 'still voice within', a hunch, a premonition, an intuitive understanding, a feeling or a vision. You can call this presence Angels, Messengers of God, Archetypes, Master Souls or simply 'higher energies'. Whatever you want to call this Guidance, we all have it.

Through the training of the Americana Leadership College (aka Wayshower's College) I am trained to I offer spiritual consultations that help the client better understand their own energy and to communicate more easily with their Inner Guidance. I am also a Licensed Minister with Peace Community Church, one of the departments of the Wayshower's College.

Tomas Burke
Ordained Minister - New Zealand
Tomas Burke

Ordained Minister - New Zealand

Tomas has been involved in spiritual work all his life. He believes in himself, his wisdom and his dreams. Communicating with his inner guidance at five years old, he decided to believe in himself rather than a religion or other system. Today, after living over 70 years of growth, experimentation and learning he seeks to pass on his wisdom before he does. Life is meant to be enjoyed - every moment of it. If it is not enjoyable it's because a concept - something you learned - is trying to stop you from being you. There is a solution.

Jan Burke
Ordained Minister - New Zealand
Jan Burke

Ordained Minister - New Zealand

Jan grew up in rural New Zealand - in a saw-milling town right at the south of the South Island.  Her upbringing was Catholic but it wasn’t until her parents moved to the city and attended a Catholic school that she embraced being the ‘good Catholic girl’.

After leaving home though to attend Teachers’ College, she started to live her own life for herself.  It wasn’t until she had married, travelled for five years and had three children that she suddenly thought: “There has to be more to life than this!  It’s good but there has to be more.”


And there was more.  She found out about her team of spiritual helpers and that she is a visionary.  Now 30 years later, she is still learning and growing spiritually.  But she is also passing it on as a trained consultant with the Wayshowers College.

Today, she and her second husband Tomas have teamed up to present what they know has worked for them.  It’s marvelous how zoom can bring people together from all around the world. They have learned to embrace their different styles of presenting the same spiritual truths with their own unique experiences through their website: