Life is an adventure

Peace Community Church International Circle of Love events will help your journey.

Who we are

You are on an adventure of soul evolution, through lifetimes. Love, self-understanding, and inner peace are at the heart of the Peace Community Church International experience. PCCI is based on a tradition of unity, universal consciousness, multiple paths to God (Universal or Christ consciousness).

We are a Peace Church without walls that fosters inner spiritual freedom through the appreciation of the universal love that unites us all.

The network of Peace Community Church International affiliates will help you connect with other like-minded people, your spiritual family. Find solutions to life while sharing and being a part of community healing circles and fellowships.

You can help create a global circle of love and respect!

Join Us and Get Involved

La Familia Nuestra Global Energy Calendars

A Calendar of Energy Bands & Concepts that move through the Planet. Plan on and work with energy flowing.

Teleconference Healing Call

Meet a group who will feel like family and experience personal rejuvenation. Easy to attend and experience.

Songs From The Heart

Wonderful collection of inspirational songs from around the world. Guaranteed to lift your heart and be rejuvenated.

Join our e-newsletter
stay connected

Receive interesting articles on spiritual topics and advanced program notification. Stay connected to your spiritual family.

Become an Ordained Minister

Achieve your dream of becoming an Ordained Minister. Learn healing and start your journey to a deeper soul healing.

Forms, Applications, Guidelines

Download Affiliate Application forms, Fellowship Guidelines, Registration Sheets, and other forms.

Ministers In Action

Below are images of just a few of our Minsters who are available to provide any of the Peace Community Church International community services.

Ginger Garvey - VA
Ordained Minister
Kristina Coll - IA
Ordained Minister
Patrick Killheny - FL
Ordained Minister
Estelle Miner - VA
Ordained Minister
Paul Kellogg - IA
Ordained Minister
Melissa Kitto - Va
Ordained Minister
LaJenne Dukes - NV
Ordained Minister
Mara Spencer - VA
Ordained Minister
Richard Lassiter - VA
Ordained Minister
Dorinda Fox - NM
Ordained Minister
Roger Ringo - IA
Ordained Minister
Susan Kellogg - IA
Ordained Minister

People sharing their experiences

"With PCCI experiences I have found an inner love within me that is an unlimited reservoir of healing energy.  Fellowshipping with other kindred healing spirits has transformed my life and it is a privilege to share this with others!"

Reverend Paul Kellogg, D.D.

"I have found that being spiritual isn't just being kind, generous, and loving, but a living of each moment in the discovery of myself!"

Reverend Alma Phillips


"Peace Community Church International has helped me resolve inner conflicts with how I was educated versus how I felt inside. Having deeper insights into who I am as a soul has made it easier to navigate the challenges of daily living"

Reverend Roger Ringo