Our Creed, What We Believe

Peace Community Church International is a fellowship of people who believe in the reality of universal love and who strive to walk by inner spiritual guidance as expressed in the following:

  •  “Every blade of grass has an angel that bends over it and whispers, ‘Grow! Grow!’”
    - Talmud
  • “For those who have an intense urge for Spirit and wisdom, it sits near them, waiting.”
    - Patanjali, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
  • But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.”
    - John 14:26


  • We believe in the universality of God in all things,
  • The spiritual nature of life on Earth,
  • That life is eternal; there is no death.
  • That God and humankind are one; we are one with all things.
  • We believe in Christianity as a way of life,
  • Experiencing God within by re-awakening and unfolding the real self –the Christ Consciousness – the good, kind, sharing, loving part of each of us.
  • We believe the potential of humankind is to live in harmony as a family of unconditional love, based on mutual respect to live and let live.
  • We believe in angels, messengers of God, experienced through inner Guidance, our constant source of insight and wisdom. We believe in the power of prayer, healing, and laying on of hands.
  • We are channels for inspiration and wholeness when we join in teamwork with the angelic realms, creating miracles every day in our lives.
  • We believe that spiritual gifts, inspiration and creativity are in each of us; that we communicate beyond the physical senses through four spiritual gifts of Prophecy, Vision, Intuition and Feeling.
  • We believe that each person has a unique purpose and inner spiritual communication is the key to unfolding it.
  • We believe we create our reality through our conscious and unconscious awareness.
  • We believe we have the power to transform our lives through the examples of messages of the Master Jesus, Saint Francis of Assisi and Dr. Francisco Coll, etc.
  • We believe that God and the Holy Spirit are expressed in personal feelings of oneness, joy, strength and peace, and in thoughts and acts of love and acceptance.
  • We believe that we live in two worlds at one time, the spiritual world and the physical world. Each of us is a soul with a body, not a body with a soul.
  • We believe that our feeling part reflects our soul, and our intellectual nature is a tool for us while on planet Earth.
  • We believe that personal cleansing renews our spirit and lifts us up to a balanced state of consciousness.
  • We believe that by following our true feelings we pray without ceasing.
  • We believe in acknowledging, understanding and living the Ten Commandments of Sincerity, Loyalty, Self-respect, Kindness, Reverence, Immortality, Magnanimity, Generosity, Genuineness and Contentment – for and within ourselves first, then towards others.